I Couldn’t Agree More

I couldn’t agree more with shaun’s post i’ve seen about the presentation hit the nail on the head so i thought id paste it below so you can all see the connection fresh head has as an agency!

Today was our big day and I thought I would squeeze in one last blog before the deadline.

I couldn’t be happier with my team. Each of us delivered our points clearly and confidently, and without trying to brag. I thought we were the better of the other groups.

We did worry about our timing which gave our presentation a slightly rushed feel but I expect that’ll get marked as nerves. Luckily, we had ran through rehearsals so the presentation wasn’t alien to us.

I was extremely happy with our initial feedback and our lecturer made a comment of “wow” just after we finished. Very promising in deed!

I felt the points raised by the audience were valid and helped give us another external perspective. Something very worth while for a designer as you can become too engrossed in your own work.

I do have one concern though. After all presentations had been seen, we were all informed that we had failed to supply two concepts.

I am quite eager for the next lecture as I feel disappointed to hear that after such a glowing initial response. I am aware that we were too inclined to produce the artefacts and solve the solutions but I believe that as long as we had sufficient research and could support our ideas then it would show a good level of commitment and willingness. Enthusiasm can never be overlooked.

A mixed review across the board, I think my agency feels great about how we did and the response we got until we got that killer blow right at the end.

I am extremely happy with this assignment, as I think it was more to me than just a grade. We formed an agency that I really intend to promote and make official. It allowed to try my hand at being the leader which I normally shy away from. By the output of the group and mentally, I would say that people seemed happy for me to direct. A skill that is highly invaluable!

This won’t be the last you hear of Fresh Head Design!

Be sure to check out the website at www.freshheaddesign.com
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It’s been a pleasure! Until the next the time…


Fresh Head