Video Mash Up – Initial Idea 1.

Looking into my favorite styles of mash ups I found that I do really like a video side of things. This is the route I might go down for this project as I am a film fanatic and love every aspect I really think I could get lost in this project. My fist few ideas were to take a Pixar film like up and transform it into a horror film. The reason for doing this would be to talk about the auteur theory and brand identity and why such a thing would never happen.

For my first concept it was the film UP, I thought about twisting the story line so that the granddad had kidnapped the boy and forced him to go on an adventure. I started by going and editing a few shots into a sequence then transfoering it over to sort out the colour into a more horror film style these are some of the colour grades from original to new.

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I wanted to create a brown aerie feel to the film making people feel uncomfortable. This was my initial idea but further talks with Sharri and we decided against is as she kept reminding me we have to contextualize this in the 2nd half of the project.

Top Inspirational Mash Ups (Video Genre)

This was an apology from nick Clegg after he raised tuition fees despite saying he wouldn’t. This mash up is very relevant for this mash up project, ive been askedto create a relevant, current and enticing mash up that has meaning. I have no idea currently what i play to do other that a video like the one above. Im very into the hole video concept with idea of creating something that people laugh at and pass on to friends. This was just on of the more political parts of my inspiration section, it only gets more hilarious form here.

The second mash up – Gordan Ramsey – How to treat a lady.

This one is one of my all time favourites as it quirky, smart and extremely well edited. This doesn’t really have any contextual meaning other than something out of the ordinary. This was done just as a fun project that resulted in over 2 million views.

My third and final piece over inspiration from the video genre is this:

This one was done by a group called auto tune the news and as a result of these auto tuned videos they have toured the world. This fun video was done for there own enjoyment along with there ever growing 10 million followers.

Ill be looking into other types of mashups as my blogs go on to get a clear understanding of whats the best Idea for me.

Research Into Mashups

Research into mash ups:

When thinking about the project I wanted to know what made a successful mash up? I started by looking at mash ups done by others on the Internet and found that there are sooooo many mash ups that have been successful. I then looked into the genres of mash ups that the public thought were the best. Most of the big internet sensations were the humorous ones, the ones that take something out of the ordinary and total flip the angle making people think hang on what? And look a second and third time before passing it on to friends.

This is what I wanted to create for my project I wanted to make some thing people saw and thought, “hang on what” and make them look again. One of the main angles I want to take for this project its public likability. This is incredible hard to do as you have haters in all walks of life but if I target a majority then hopefully ill create a successful piece.

When looking into mash ups I then began looking into mash up styles and what makes them popular with in there own genres. A lot of the success of a mash up is dependent on the concept behind it. Then I looked into what a mash up was:

A mashup is a digital media file containing text, graphics, audio, video and/or animation drawn from pre-existing sources, to create a new derivative work. Mashups represent a new phase in the re-use of existing works